Tuesday, September 1, 2009

We can't see clearly now

So, Warren is putting out the call for window -- and wall -- washers. The bulk of construction, the sorts of things that get globs of dirt on windows, is over. Now is the time to remove those globs of dirt and films of grime from all the first floor windows, inside and out. Please bring your Windex and towels, and go to it! There are ladders of all sizes available at the church.

Also, almost all around the outside of the building, dirt needs to be cleaned off the lower, dark gray wall panels. Please bring your bucket, some detergent and a sponge. There are lots of hoses around to fill the bucket and rinse the walls. Talk to Larry if you have questions.

Please, click on COMMENT below this item to let us know when you'll be able to help. Don't try to sign in. Technically, you'll be commenting anonymously, but please sign your message.

As the week began Monday, Larry and Mary Anne were getting the playyard ready for the preschool parents to spread play chips. The fence is finished.

Earlier, Larry finished up the sanding of the main beams under the clerestory after Bram did much of the work over the weekend. Bill S. took the crosses that hang in the sanctuary home to be refinished.

Bob J. hung the platform for the organ speakers in the sanctuary. Exit signs went up over the doors. A very official-looking fire alarm control box hangs near the front door, showing a random time of day. Painting continues around the storage closets at the back of the sanctuary. The green toilet has gone missing suddenly, although a sledgehammer is under suspicion in the disappearance.

Warren intends to have all the areas outside the sanctuary prepped and ready for carpet to be laid on Wednesday. He was spreading a self-leveling cement-based product on the ramp and hallway between the nursery and the restrooms and kitchen late into the evening Monday. The main entrance area gets the treatment Tuesday. He said you really realize how much floor space we'll have when you go over it three times on your knees sanding, cleaning and leveling.

1 comment:

  1. I pop up today (9/3) and bring window washing stuff with me.



Please let us know if you want to work on this project and when you are available.