Sunday, June 28, 2009

Concrete steps

A french drain needs to be dug by hand this week in the old playyard area, since the ground there will slope toward the building, and the water that drains off it needs to moved into the storm drain system.

Steve M. is talking about a work party on Saturday, July 11 (two weeks from yesterday) to build the awning at the church entrance. More on that later.

By the end of this past week, the terrain around the outside of the church was cleaner and greener than it had been in many months. In preparation for concrete work, much of the construction debris had been removed to the dump or the recycler. And the new grass is growing well. Soon, we'll give it a "booster shot" of fertilizer.

The strip of ground just north of the church building, where once there had been a concrete parking spot and a little grass, has been graded in preparation for a sidewalk and reseeding.

The first -- but not the final -- pour of concrete has been made for the exit porches for the preschool rooms.

The back porch and south veranda are nearly complete. There will discussions about railings in both places and possibly adding another step off the veranda or raising the grade of the ground.

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