Thursday, February 12, 2009

In God we truss

On Tuesday morning a load of roof trusses was delivered. Sue was there as they were unloaded onto the top of the framing for the classroom wing. There was one little bump in the road. As the crane was stretched out over the classroom wing with a load of trusses, one of the outriggers that stabilize it slipped into the soft ground. The load of trusses dropped a couple of feet onto the framing. No one was hurt and nothing was damaged. The load was unhooked and a more stable footing for the outrigger was constructed. No further problems were reported. Here are photos from Tuesday.

Now here are photos from Wednesday just after noon when the crew is working on the trusses and then later after they've finished. Sue took the later ones. There is also a photo from inside the narthex area. Framing is now being removed there wherever possible.

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