Sunday, February 1, 2009

Walls R Us

Since the last set of photos from Thursday, several more walls have gone up. One is ready for raising. These photos are from Saturday.

There are four wall sections along the north side of the building. Closest to the front is the wall for reception, Steve's office and the kitchen (with an outside door to a utility closet). The second wall is for the restrooms (again with outside access to a utility closet). The third wall is behind the preschool and Sunday school offices. The fourth wall is alongside three classrooms.

While the walls were being built outside, Warren was exploring construction details in the existing building that were covered by drywall. He also took everything out of the narthex, the old offices and the back of the sanctuary and moved them to the front of the sanctuary. They'll soon need covering or moving to the storage shed.

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Please let us know if you want to work on this project and when you are available.