Saturday, April 18, 2009

Getting siding tracked

One big new thing got started and a lot of little things moved along during this past week.

The big thing is that the siding has started to go up. The framing crew started in back and will work around to the front, first covering up the bare plywood sheathing, then moving on to replace the siding that is now on the sanctuary building.

After it is installed, it will be painted. Some painting was done on the fascia boards to get them ready for installation of the gutters and downspouts next week.

The framers tucked a little Sunday School storage room above the main storage room for the fellowship area. The ramp to the classroom building was finished, too. Conduits were connected to many outlet and switch boxes. The subfloor at the rear of the old sanctuary building was torn up. Electrical panel boxes were installed in the kitchen storeroom and the audiovisual closet off the sanctuary.

Bram spent Saturday morning pulling large nails from the roof timbers that were removed when the clerestory was attached. Warren is looking for someone with equipment that can be used to spread the two piles of dirt evenly onto the lawn. He and Steve M. and Larry D. spent time Saturday at the site discussing General Assembly's preferences in the way their forms are filled out. This is important because once they are satisfied that we know our Column C from our Line 27, they will send us money.

Here are the photos:

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